If QFII has not fully remitted the principals within three months after receiving Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate, the actual amount remitted will be deemed as the approved quota; 合格投资者自取得外汇登记证起三个月内未足额汇入本金的,以实际汇入金额为批准额度;
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the country's foreign exchange regulator, said on its website yesterday that the quota for registered foreign investors would be increased from$ 10bn to$ 30bn. 中国外汇管理机构&国家外汇管理局(StateAdministrationofForeignExchange)昨日在自己的网站上表示,合格境外机构投资者(QFII)的限额将从100亿美元提高至300亿美元。
The Shenzhen exchange took pains to describe how it would avoid corruption and human error during the quota allocation process by using automatic calculations to assign quotas. 深圳碳排放权交易所详细阐述了如何在排放配额的分配过程中,将通过自动化运算来避免腐败以及人为误差。
Reciprocal exchange of the representatives of Both universities will be realized after mutual agreement and Beyond the fixed quota. 在相互同意后并在安排的名额外,双方学校可实现互派各自的代表互访。
As you know, our exchange quota be Insufficient. I hope you will accept d/ p payment term this time. 您知道,我们的外汇不足,希望这次你方同意我们用付款交单方式支付。
Abstract: using economical principles, this article analyses the cause of environment pollution and economics countermeasures, studies the exchange theories of pollutant discharge quota and optimization mechanism of market, and the feasibility of building exchange market is explained. 文摘:利用经济学原理,分析了环境污染产生的原因和经济学对策,对排污权交易理论和市场优化机制进行了研究,并说明我国建立排污权交易市场的可行性。
Under the current foreign trade accounting system, however, the total profit and loss does not reflect the foreign exchange quota value settled by foreign trade enterprises, and this only increases the unrealness of the profit and loss recorded on financial statements of enterprises. 但在现行外贸会计制度下,企业结存外汇额度的价值却不能反映在盈亏总额内,从而增加企业财会报表上盈亏的不真实性。
On the basis of the country's practical conditions, a stock circula-tion ( exchange) quota system is proposed as a measure to reform our existing financial institutions. 本文提出了一项关于金融体制转换的建议:实行股票流通与交换配额制度。
An Inquiry into the Accounting and Management of Equity Foreign Exchange Quota Allotted Foreign Trade Enterprises On Logistics Cost Accounting and Management 外贸企业自有外汇额度核算和管理的探讨对物流成本会计核算和管理问题的思考